Are there different types of Business Analysts ?

There are different types of Business Analysts working in different industries around the world.

Some of these Business Analysts work in the different business analysis perspectives such as Business Intelligence, Agile, Information Technology, Business Architecture and the … Read the rest

What is Business Analytics ?

Everyday businesses all around the world generate tons of data.

This data include their their transactional data, employee’s data and organizational data.

The data needs to be gathered, analyzed, and interpreted to help the organization make the right strategic decisions.… Read the rest

What is Office 365 ?

Office 365 is a Software as a service (SaaS) suite of applications.

Some of the applications that are included in Office 365 are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote.

Other popular office 365 applications include Microsoft Planner, … Read the rest

What is Customer experience (CX) ?

Customer experience (CX) is defined as the company’s interaction with its customers at every point of their purchasing journey.

From the piqued interest via a marketing campaign to the sale and then the customer service, the Customer’s experience is focused … Read the rest

What is Change Management ?

As organizations grow and expand, their business processes might change to accommodate this growth.

These business process changes might include the implementation of a new system, business policies changes or a total restructuring of their organogram.

Some of the reasons … Read the rest

Soft skills that every Business Analyst should have

Business Analysis is an evolving field that is keeps growing with each passing day.

But there are some essential skills that makes a good Business Analyst effective.

In addition to a basic understanding of the business domain, an effective business … Read the rest

Who is a SharePoint Administrator ?

A SharePoint administrator is someone who is responsible for managing the Microsoft SharePoint platform in an organization.

Some of the responsibilities of the SharePoint administrator include managing the application, supporting the application and training the end users.

Their duties might … Read the rest

What is SAFe ?

The Agile methodology is used by numerous organizations to achieve their business objectives.

Change is the only constant thing and in this constantly changing world, organizations need to be limber enough to adapt to those changes.

As organizations grow and … Read the rest

What is the Business Analyst’s role in security ?

One of the fallouts of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic is that many people are still working from home.

What was supposed to be a temporary situation has become permanent for many people and while working from home might have its … Read the rest